Dear Elena,
Sometime when you have time on your hands, look in your Living Bible and read the 18 Chapter of Ezekiel.
Tell me what you think? I never understood from KJV (my favorite), but sometimes my child
like brain understands better from the way the Living puts it. It is just something to discuss.
Love, Joan
Response From Elena:
Sorry, I do not have a living Bible. But, as I read it in the King James version, it is very clear. God talks about the sins, from one generation to another. And he talks about, that his ways are not always equal. That he will not tolerate sin, and is very clear about how one, should consider this. He talks about how if one does sin, after righteousness, that the good things that person does, will be forgotten. It really does make one think that the fear of God, is so essential, in our lives, because it is healthy, to be aware that God will punish sin. Just my thoughts...
Have a blessed day. Tell me if you agree, or how do you see it?